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Make a POST...
To make docs, send a POST request to this URL:
...with this payload
Here's an example POST body payload in JSON. Note that when sending JSON, you'll need to set an HTTP header for Content-Type
as application/json
"test": true, // test documents are free but watermarked
"document_content": "<html><body>Hello</body></html>", // supply content directly
// "document_url": "", // or use a url
"type": "pdf", // pdf or xls or xlsx
// "javascript": true, // enable JavaScript processing
// "prince_options": {
// "media": "screen" // use screen styles instead of print styles
// "baseurl": "" // pretend URL when using document_content
// }
Here's how to do it with curl:
curl \
--fail --silent --show-error \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data '{"test": true,
"document_url": "",
"type": "pdf" }' > docraptor.pdf
The DocRaptor API returns the binary PDF contents, so this example redirects the output to a file called docraptor.pdf